Billionaire Boy

Billionaire Boy

Garrick Theatre

  • Booking until: Saturday, 21 August 2021
Billionaire Boy photos
Billionaire Boy Billionaire Boy Billionaire Boy Billionaire Boy Billionaire Boy Billionaire Boy Billionaire Boy Billionaire Boy Billionaire Boy Billionaire Boy Billionaire Boy Billionaire Boy Billionaire Boy Billionaire Boy Billionaire Boy
Billionaire Boy description

Billionaire Boy is a wonderfully funny children's story by David Walliams. Published in 2011, it proved an instant hit. The book was adapted for the BBC for early 2016 and is hugely popular with children all over the country. The stage version of this well-loved story comes fresh from the award-winning West End producers of 2017's Gangsta Granny, another Walliams classic brought to the stage. It's a brand new production by the Birmingham Stage Company, and it's playing at the magnificent Garrick for summer 2021.

What's the story behind Billionaire Boy?

Billionaire Boy stars the 12 year old billionaire Joe Spud, who lives with his billionaire dad. Mr Spud made his billions from the revolutionary Bumfresh toilet paper he invented and the family lives in a huge mansion in the countryside. Joe and his dad have everything they could possibly need. Cars, pet crocodiles, endless amounts of money. An orang-utan butler. Their very own bowling alley. A massive cinema. But Joe is not happy, because he has no friends. Not one.

When Joe decides enough is enough and leaves his posh public school to go to a local comprehensive school, he makes a new friend called Bob. But he soon discovers that money cannot, in fact, buy everything. In fact the most important things can't be bought at all.

About Billionaire Boy

Joe Spud is played by the talented Matthew Gordon. The Billionaire Boy show cast includes Benedict Martin as Mr Spud. Irfan Damani plays Raj and Emma Matthews plays Mrs Trafe. Matthew Chase plays Jayden and Rosie Coles is Sapphire. And Jake Lomas plays Joe's new school mate Bob.

The book has been adapted and the show directed by Neal Foster. Set and costume design are by Jacqueline Trousdale, and the lighting design comes from Jason Taylor. The sound designer is Nick Sagar.

Buy tickets for Billionaire Boy

Come to us for great value Billionaire Boy tickets plus a very useful Garrick Theatre seating plan designed to help you find and book your favourite seats easily and quickly. We're certain you and your children will adore this brilliant piece of West End stage entertainment!

Playing at Garrick Theatre

2 Charing Cross Road, London, WC2H 0HH GB (venue info)

Garrick Theatre Directions

Important information

RELAXED PERFORMANCE: Sunday 22nd December 11am

Performance Times
Mon - -
Tue 11:00 15:00
Wed 11:00 15:00
Thu 11:00 15:00
Fri 11:00 15:00
Sat 11:00 15:00
Sun 11:00 15:00
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