What a surprise! The guys at ubinow just sent us a screenshot of The Sunday Times featuring our very own application in their top 500 apps.

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What does the press say about iTheatre? Read it all here! iTheatre is your guide to London shows and theatres.
Tuesday 22 February 2011, 3:05 pm
What a surprise! The guys at ubinow just sent us a screenshot of The Sunday Times featuring our very own application in their top 500 apps.
Thursday 13 August 2009, 10:33 pm
Le Figaro, one of the largest French newspapers and equivalent to The Guardian has published an article about their readers' favourite iPhone applications. And guess what? We're listed in third position!
The French seem to particularly enjoy our application in the Eurostar on their way to the big smoke. As one of their readers puts it:
iTheatre allows me to search shows currently playing, check photos, videos and short reviews. I can even book through the application. It comes in very handy when I travel with the Eurostar!
If you are fluent in French, click here to read the full review.
Thursday 23 July 2009, 4:22 pm
iTheatre is featured on third page in today's edition of The Stage, the trade title for the entertainment world, an indispensable and informative source for everyone in the business.
We hope this coverage will bring even more downloads in the coming days!